Contact South Yorkshire Police

In an emergency

If you need urgent assistance you should always dial 999. We aim to answer within 10 seconds.

If you are deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impediment you can:

  • use a text phone to call the Typetalk emergency line on 18000
  • send an emergency text message, find out how to register your mobile phone with the system

If it's not an emergency or a general enquiry

If you don't need urgent assistance, or have a general enquiry, you should dial 101 (our non-emergency number).

Calls to 101 cost 15 pence per call from landlines and mobiles - no matter how long you're on the phone.

If you are deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impediment you can contact the police using a text phone through Typetalk for non-emergency situations on 18001 101.

If you have any questions about the South Yorkshire Police Alert system please email, we will attempt to respond as soon as possible. Please DO NOT use this email to report crimes or incidents.