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Another vehicle seized

We continue to receive reports from members of the local community regarding speeding vehicles in and around the area of Thorne and Moorends but more recently we have received reports from those who travel into Thorne to do their shopping.

Last night it seems the driver of the vehicle below couldn't quite wait to get out of the retail park fast enough before making an attempt at taking the roundabout on Omega Boulevard on two wheels, perhaps he thought he was part of a circus act?

We were then given another opportunity to witness this special show as he decided to go around the roundabout for a second time before really putting his foot to the floor to race towards the traffic lights which were on red forcing him to test his ability at an emergency stop.

Due to this, the vehicle was seized under Section 59 of the Police Reform Act 2002 and reported for a road traffic offence.

For those who are not aware of Section 59 Police Reform Act - it is driving in a manner which is causing/has been causing, or is likely to cause alarm, distress or annoyance to members of the public. Following this, a Section 59 warning can be issued to the driver of that vehicle. This warning is placed against both the driver and the vehicle and lasts for 12 months. The driver/vehicle doesn't always have to be issued with a warning first in order for their vehicle to be seized due to the way in which it being driven.

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Message Sent By
PS 3171 James Housley
(South Yorkshire Police, PS, Doncaster East NPT)

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